Monday, April 09, 2007

Wow. He is risen - He is risen indeed. What a great Easter weekend. I was able to participate in a new tradition. We woke up at 3 am Easter morning and then joined hundreds of other Christians walking down the main road carrying torches and singing praises to God before attending the sunrise service. It was amazing (even in the rain). Since my last posting, many things have happened. I am living at a new location and I have made some new friends in the community. A few weeks ago, we had a huge rain storm which caused massive flooding and damaged several bridges. There were also landslides on the mountain which caused hundreds of houses to be filled with several feet of mud. In response, the HS students I work with spent two weeks digging out houses, ditches, and roads. We also held kids clubs in each work area in which we sang songs about Jesus and performed a Bible skit for the children. We are still hearing reports about how much we impacted our town. What a blessing to have this opportunity. Most of the mud has been removed and the flooding has gone down, but some low-lying areas are still suffering because they are in the flood zone and could easily flood again with a big rain. Some of these people have built make-shift homes on higher ground. As for the bridges, temporary bridges have been built either around or over the original bridges to allow traffic to flow. However, some of them are one-way so we usually go one direction to school and then take the back-roads home. As for fresh fruit and vegetables, it has been a huge blessing because we thought that with the destruction of hundreds of gardens, fresh food would be in short supply, but God has provided and we can still buy what we need. Praise God for all the wonderful things He is doing.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, It sure was nice to hear your voice last Sunday (Easter) evening. Your Dad and I did enjoy hearing all about the things you have been doing. It sounds like you always have a lot of things to do. Enjoyed your newsletter also. Love ya and hope to hear from you again soon.

11:16 AM  

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