Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Ok, I have tried and tried to post more pictures, but every time, it fails. The internet connection here is not always good so it's just not happening. I will try again. Lately, things have been a bit stressful because it is the end of the year. My AP Calculus students took their AP Exam yesterday. They were nervous, of course, but I know they have been working very hard and I'm sure they did fine. Today, I am going to my first Indonesian wedding - I'm so excited and I can't wait. I've heard it's very different from an American wedding so I'm looking forward to the new experience. As things are winding down for the school year, we are looking for more ways to relax, so this weekend we are going to the beach again. The beach reminds me of a deserted tropical island (except it's not on an island, but rather a penisula). It's very different from beaches back home, but still lots of fun. That's about all that's going on right now. I will keep trying to post the pictures.


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